Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

DIY Car Park Line Marking: 2 Mistakes to Avoid

by Francis Ortiz

If you're looking to save some money, doing car park line marking yourself might seem like a good idea. However, there are a few things you need to watch out for if you want the job done properly. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when doing DIY car park line marking and how to avoid them.

Failure to Prepare the Surface Properly 

Among the most common mistakes people make when line marking is failing to prepare the surface properly. The surface needs to be clean and free of any debris before the paint can be applied. Otherwise, the lines will be uneven and patchy. A power washer is usually the best way to clean the surface, followed by a thorough sweep with a broom.

Since car parks see a lot of traffic, the surface will also need to be repaired if there are any cracks or potholes. These should be filled in with a sealant or concrete before the line marking can begin. Failure to do so will result in uneven lines that could potentially pose a safety hazard.

Remember that the surface will also need to be dry before you start painting. A wet surface will cause the paint to run and result in inferior line quality. Be sure to check the weather forecast in advance and plan to do the line marking on a day when there is no chance of rain.

Applying the Paint Incorrectly

Once the surface is prepared, it's time to start painting the lines. But before you start, it's important to understand how to apply the paint correctly.

You'll need to choose the right type of paint for the job. There are two main types of car park line marking paint: water-based and solvent-based. Water-based paint is less toxic and easier to clean up, but it doesn't always adhere well to concrete surfaces. Solvent-based paint is more durable and will last longer, but it's important to ventilate the area well when using it since the fumes can be toxic.

Once you've chosen the right type of paint, you'll need to determine the thickness of the lines. This is typically done with a paint thickness gauge, which measures the dry film thickness of the paint. The thickness of the lines will depend on the type of traffic the car park will be seeing. For example, thicker lines are usually used for handicap parking spaces so that they're more visible to drivers.

After you've determined the thickness of the lines, it's time to start painting. When doing so, it's important to use consistent pressure and strokes. This will ensure the lines are of uniform thickness and that there are no gaps.

It's also important to paint the lines in one continuous motion. If you need to stop in the middle of a line, you'll need to use masking tape to ensure there are no gaps. Otherwise, the line will be uneven and could pose a safety hazard.

Contact a service provider to learn more about car park lines


About Me

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Welcome to my blog, My name is Sarah. I have five kids, eight chickens, three dogs, a kitten and several animals in cages. It is certainly busy and chaotic, but I love my 'circus'. However, it makes one of my favourite hobbies, decorating, fairly challenging. However, I love to live in beautiful spaces, and as I crave change on a regular basis, I am always keen to repaint or put new wallpaper in parts of my home. Through research, trial and error, I have learned to paint, wallpaper and decorate around and through chaos. If your home is busy, don't let that stop you. Just check out my posts for tips and ideas.
