Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

4 Causes of Cracked Paint on Exterior Walls

by Francis Ortiz

Have you ever walked near a building and noticed paint cracking or peeling off the walls? This is a sign of poor maintenance or a job that wasn't well done. Under certain conditions, paint can crack and slowly chip or peel off the surface. This ends up exposing underlying layers to damage, not to mention that the building will appear unattractive and unprofessional. To prevent this from happening on your premises, here are 4 common causes of cracked paint and how you can avoid this issue.

1. Poor pressure washing

Pressure washing is essential when preparing exterior walls for a coat of paint. It is necessary to remove dirt, grime, and other tiny particles that may have accumulated on your walls over time. Without pressure washing, you'll end up adding paint on top of dirt particles. And as these particles shift over time, they will cause your paint to chip, peel, and crack. Rough surfaces that have cracks, dents, and holes should also be properly levelled before painting.

2. Using the wrong type of paint

Surface preparation is just the first step towards preventing cracked paint. You should also avoid using the wrong type of paint that may be incompatible with your surface. Luckily, painting brands now come with enough label information to make sure you choose the best available option. Some types of paint (such as water-based paints) are only suitable for indoor use or short-term projects.

Protecting exterior walls will require high adhesion paint that doesn't easily peel or crack. The paint should also be waterproof and capable of withstanding exterior elements such as rain, sunlight, and strong winds.  

3. Adding a thin layer

When tackling a large project (such as painting your entire building), you may be tempted to cut costs by applying the thinnest layer of paint possible. While you don't need to overcoat your exterior walls, adding a thick layer will reduce durability. Thin layers of paint crack easily, become easily chipped, and appear dull.

Work with an exterior painting service to determine the optimal coating of paint that should be used on your walls. There are also online paint application tools that make it easier to perform such calculations more efficiently.

4. Poor maintenance

Even a perfect application of paint may end up being damaged if you don't practice proper maintenance. Maintenance means keeping your walls clean, replacing aging paint, and repairing damaged walls. Keeping up with maintenance will help you identify such issues early and carry out repairs before the problem gets worse.  


About Me

Painting and Wallpapering Around Chaos: Tips for Parents and Others

Welcome to my blog, My name is Sarah. I have five kids, eight chickens, three dogs, a kitten and several animals in cages. It is certainly busy and chaotic, but I love my 'circus'. However, it makes one of my favourite hobbies, decorating, fairly challenging. However, I love to live in beautiful spaces, and as I crave change on a regular basis, I am always keen to repaint or put new wallpaper in parts of my home. Through research, trial and error, I have learned to paint, wallpaper and decorate around and through chaos. If your home is busy, don't let that stop you. Just check out my posts for tips and ideas.
